Disrupting Façades of Clarity in the Teaching and Learning of Qualitative Research


  • Rozana Carducci University of Missouri
  • Penny A. Pasque University of Oklahoma
  • Aaron M. Kuntz University of Alabama
  • Melissa Contreras-McGavin Independent Scholar and Consultant





In this article we examine two methodological façades of clarity that commonly shroud critical qualitative educational inquiry. More specifically, we interrogate discussions of reflexivity and positionality and explore the ways in which methodology curricula and instructional practices perpetuate façades of clarity, or a false sense of coherence, ultimately undermining the transformative potential of critical educational research. We identify specific pedagogical opportunities, spaces, and strategies for dismantling these façades and offer ways to reconstruct methodological practices congruent with the emancipatory and empowering aims of critical scholarship.


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Author Biographies

Rozana Carducci, University of Missouri

Assistant ProfessorUniversity of MissouriDept. of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Penny A. Pasque, University of Oklahoma

Associate Professor

University of Oklahoma

Dept. of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

and Women’s & Gender Studies

Aaron M. Kuntz, University of Alabama

Associate Professor

University of Alabama

Dept. of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, & Counseling


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How to Cite

Carducci, R., Pasque, P. A., Kuntz, A. M., & Contreras-McGavin, M. (2013). Disrupting Façades of Clarity in the Teaching and Learning of Qualitative Research. Qualitative Research in Education, 2(1), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.4471/qre.2013.01


