Narrative Daily: Relationships and Meetings at Secondary Education


  • Valeska Cabrera Cuadros Universitat de Barcelona
  • Laura Fuentes Quesada Institut Quatre Cantons



During the academic year 2014-2015, an investigation was conducted in an innovative school in Barcelona where a teacher used personal diaries written by its students during their Catalan lessons in 2nd high school. The objective of this activity was to use this tool to work with and from the students’ emotions, and create a communication channel to enhance closeness in the student-teacher relationship that would also benefit their Catalan language learning process. The second stage of the study includes four participants: three students and one teacher. The objectives are: (a) to do a follow-up on the agents who were involved in the creation of personal diaries and (b) to see what this type of activity made them feel in terms of communication and relationship between teacher-student. The method that has guided this work is biographical narrative and some of the conclusions are that the use of narrative newspapers could be a useful tool in improving teaching and even learning itself because it helps establish links between teacher-student and because it allows expressing the experiences using language first hand.


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Author Biography

Valeska Cabrera Cuadros, Universitat de Barcelona

Facultad de Educación


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How to Cite

Cabrera Cuadros, V., & Fuentes Quesada, L. (2016). Narrative Daily: Relationships and Meetings at Secondary Education. Qualitative Research in Education, 5(3), 309–331.


