Parental Arrangements of Gay Men in Mexico City: Between a Denied Paternity and an Inadvertent Care Transformation


  • Oscar Emilio Laguna-Maqueda Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Xochimilco



Various phenomena, result of feminist’s struggles and gay and lesbian liberation movements, are currently observable. One of them, are gay parental arrangements, which by their very existence pose a question to the supposed universality of the characteristics of the “family”.Homosexual men when having children either by biological, legal or social ways, do not want to reconfigure the idea of family or develop practices of innovative care, because what they really want is to create a family similar to the one in which they lived. However, when accessing a field, which has excluded them and invisible them has implications for upsetting heteronormativity´s guidelines. Moreover, their strategies to combat homophobia and reduce risks to their children impact on care practices, making inadvertent changes on this gendered practice.


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How to Cite

Laguna-Maqueda, O. E. (2016). Parental Arrangements of Gay Men in Mexico City: Between a Denied Paternity and an Inadvertent Care Transformation. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 5(2), 182–204.