Life Paths of Successful Women Scientists in Spain


  • María José Barral Morán University of Zaragoza
  • Isabel Delgado Echeverría Government of Aragon
  • Teresa Fernández Turrado University of Zaragoza
  • Carmen Magallón Portolés




This article discusses interactions between the life paths of women scientists and their status and contributions to science. It is a qualitative study which highlights factors that influenced the successful career of nine Spanish women scientists. These factors include the family encouragement, the novelty of the scientific field or branch in which they work, the mentors they had along their career and the periods of time spent abroad. The women scientist included in the sample are working in different fields: Physics, Psychology, and Neurobiology. The analysis of their professional paths reveals that to develop a successful scientific career, the organization of daily, domestic and private life is important, as well as the existence of other social opportunities which are outlined in the article.


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Author Biographies

María José Barral Morán, University of Zaragoza

Department of Human Anatomy and Histology, Medical School

Isabel Delgado Echeverría, Government of Aragon

Department of Biology and Geology, IES Francisco Grande Covián

Teresa Fernández Turrado, University of Zaragoza

Department of Psychology and Sociology, Faculty of Education

Carmen Magallón Portolés

Fundación Seminario de Investigación para la Paz


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How to Cite

Barral Morán, M. J., Delgado Echeverría, I., Fernández Turrado, T., & Magallón Portolés, C. (2014). Life Paths of Successful Women Scientists in Spain. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 3(1), 351–372.


