Domestic Labor Sharing and Preference for Son: Children's Perspective


  • Poh-Chua Siah




The main aim of this study was to find out through the perception of children whether there is a significant association between the sharing of domestic labor and preference for sons between fathers and mothers. This study used a cluster sampling method to select 1982 secondary students from Malaysia to answer questionnaires. The results showed significant associations between the preference for sons and the sharing of domestic labor between fathers and mothers in the perception of children. These significant associations could still be found after logistic regression controlling for some background factors. In the light of the continuing prevalence of preference for sons in some Asian countries, it is suggested that more studies are needed to examine the possible influence of preference on culture in different areas.


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How to Cite

Siah, P.-C. (2013). Domestic Labor Sharing and Preference for Son: Children’s Perspective. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 2(1), 37–57.


